The Astropy Project feature request tracker

Welcome to the Astropy Project feature request tracker! The aim of this forum is to have a place to collect feature requests from users and gauge the Astronomy community's priorities in our Python-based coding efforts. We welcome requests for the astropy package, any affiliated packages, and any functionality which you think would be widely useful to the Astronomy community.

Please suggest and vote on feature requests below. Before adding a new suggestion, use the search function to see if the idea has already been posted. Please include links to relevant repositories and existing issues in the description of the feature request. Also consider including links to code or images demonstrating the requested functionality.

Please do not use this forum to report bugs or request small improvements to existing functionality. For these, please use the GitHub issue trackers for the relevant package (for example this one for the astropy core package).

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The Astropy Project is dedicated to maintaining a positive, inclusive, successful, and growing community. Please familiarize yourself with the Astropy Code of Conduct before posting.


Analysis tools for spectroscopy

Erik Tollerud 9 years ago 0

Prompted by this topic, I'm making this topic as a way to have a slightly more fine-grained discussion/voting area. So this topic is about analysis tools. Some stuff already exists in this space, like pyspeckit, specviz, and starfish. So there is definitely not one way to do this. But this is a good space for discussing general ideas along these lines (or voting on "needs more of")


Decimal degrees format string with degrees symbol

mphanderson 6 years ago 0

When plotting FITS images with WCS axes, is it possible to have the tick labels in the 'd.ddd' format have a degree symbol on the label? i.e. similar to the sexagesimal format for RA and Dec coordinates, but for decimal degrees for Galactic coordinated.


Cartesian product

Igor Bukanov 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Handling of ASCII file FITS headers in

Mikołaj 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Dumps of FITS headers in ASCII form, are used (at least) by scamp - standard output of photometric solution.

It should be not very complicated to add methods for reading/writing such files into Header objects.

Bests, MK


specutils: various features

Adam Ginsburg 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 0

-Continuum fitting, subtracting, and normalizing. I use specialized slit trace fitting and running median filters for my work but it seems to be far from a solved problem and can be very data dependent. It would be nice if there were an easy way to do it.

-Cosmic ray removal! I try to use the python version of LA-cosmic most of the time but it would be nice to integrate it or similar algorithms into astropy.

-Interpolating to position-velocity space (complete with error propagation and flux conservation)

-More general propagation of the errors (variance). It is my understanding that this is now a feature included in astropy (or at least under development), which I don’t think was the case when I stated writing plotspec.

-Extracting line fluxes, especially for 2D spectra. Plotspec can do weighted optimal extractions or use region files from DS9 drawn onto PV diagrams. It can also extract fluxes from 1D spectra given some velocity range for the line widths.

-First order sky emission removal. Especially for OH lines in the NIR. I take two off frames and subtract one from another, and then do a chi-sq minimization which seems to correct for linear variation across a set of spectra okay. Would be nice to generalize, at least for IR astronomers.

-Constructing data cubes and all the really obscure WCS astrometry stuff that comes with that. This might be beyond the scope of astropy.

requests come from Kyle Kaplan


Generic spectroscopic reduction tools

Erik Tollerud 9 years ago 0

Prompted by this topic, I'm making this topic as a way to have a slightly more fine-grained discussion/voting area. So this topic is about reduction tools. There's already some work in this direction in specreduce, but it's not quite ready for prime-time. And there's certainly a lot more to be done in this area.


Heliocentric and Barycentric Julian Date Corrections

James McCormac 9 years ago updated by Andy Casey 9 years ago 4

There is an issue already open on github for this with the milestone of future. I think it would be great to have these time corrections available in astropy.


FITS table data to pandas dataframe

Lia Corrales 9 years ago updated by The Astropy Project 9 years ago 2

Something like, but for fits data objects